
More and more I get asked about self-hosted WordPress. Probably not unexpected as my company provides managed WordPress sites and I blog about technology for business.

This site is here to help you learn about technology and pass on the things I’ve invested time into. It is, of necessity, a bit technical as I dive into experimenting with things that may, or may not, turn out to be useful.

A lot of the emphasis will be around WordPress but that won’t be to the exclusion of other things that come across my desk. If it doesn’t fit in with my business blog then it will likely end up here.

Busy people running busy businesses

Technology needs to work for you and your business. Sometimes you just have to use a certain solution but for many of my clients there are too many alternatives to wade through and sometimes it’s even hard to frame the right questions if you aren’t sure of how you want to solve a problem.

Technology has its own vocabulary which can make it hard to grasp the benefits that a solution provides. Comparing alternatives that are presented in tech-speak just takes too much time that should be spent in your business.

I work with clients to help them understand the best solutions that meet their unique needs, time constraints, and budget requirements. In order to do that I continually learn new things and this site is dedicated to sharing that knowledge.

WordPress Experiments

This site is my personal playground where I get to experiment with new WordPress features and techniques. Some of the experiments will be in the background in the form of integrations, others will be more obvious as I experiment with migrating themes, playing with new plug-ins, or just pushing myself to come up with something a little creative.

On this site I’ll share the process of experimenting with WordPress. The good and the bad, the success and the failure. If you are interested in what happens behinds the scenes then follow along as I learn more about WordPress and how your business can benefit.

Experiments that prove actually useful will likely find their way into my blog and Orotena Pty Ltd’s main site.


The best place to find me is at Orotena Pty Ltd as this site really is about experimenting and I fully expect to break things from time to time.