Add a FAQ section to your site

any questions? written on chalkboard

Why a FAQ?

An FAQ provides answers to questions that you are frequently asked. Well that’s how it’s supposed to work. The idea is that having an FAQ can reduce the need to respond to individual enquiries over and over again.

As your site and your following grows you’ll spend more and more time interacting with new people who maybe just want to find out a bit more about you and what you do. Having a FAQ in place lets them find the information themselves even before they may be prepared to contact you. It reduces your workload and makes for a good experience for people just discovering your site.

Another advantage is that you can put links in your FAQ answers to topics that you’ve already written about then, when you analyse your traffic, look at how many referrals come from your FAQ page. This lets you know what is and isn’t working and the types of questions people want answers to. Continue reading “Add a FAQ section to your site”